2 Year Old Pre-School
Beginnings (2-day program)
Tuesday and Thursday mornings
9am to 11am
The Best 2's class around:
- Perfect for a child’s first steps away from home
- Meet milestones of two year olds
- Sensory play - tactile activities, water, sand, clay
- Motor skills- lots of time to run, dance, climb, explore
- Music, finger plays, chants
- Learn to express emotions and feelings
- Enjoy stories
- Time to paint, scribble and create
- Best of all - kids get to be a two year old!!!
Many parents feel that 2 year olds are too young for school, for some that may be the case. However for the active toddler that has an interest in running (around the house), climbing (tables and chairs), jumping (off/on the bed), coloring (on the walls), Nursery School may be the perfect fit.
Most children (2 years of age and older) benefit tremendously from interaction and socialization in a school environment. The children develop self-confidence to interact with their peers. They learn to share and even make friendships at the ripe young age of 2.
High ratio of adults to children 3:1 allows for a lot of TLC & attention